Helping People with Vitiligo

Have Questions about Vitiligo?

Questions and answers about Recouleur and vitiligo

We would love to hear from you! Reach out to us with any questions or comments about your vitiligo skin and/or Recouleur®- the vitiligo vitamin🌻

We’ve been helping people with vitiligo since 2003. Along the way we’ve collected a lot of information. We’ve also been published. About 30 of our articles have been published in newsletters and journals in the United States and internationally. Here’s a sampling of articles on this skin depigmentation disorder:

Vitamins for Vitiligo

Recouleur® User Testimonials

Photos of Vitiligo

Vitiligo Pictures from Our Study on the Benefits of Vitamins on Vitiligo

If you prefer to sit down with a cup of coffee (maybe tea is your thing) and a good book, you can read some of those 30 previously published articles on vitiligo vitamin therapy in our ebook or read about the best vitamins for vitiligo . Turning White a Memoir of Change is the autobiographical personal journey of Lee Thomas and his vitiligo. Check out our informative essays and pictures in our Vitiligo Learning Center or email us. One very popular essay is Scientific Studies What Vitamins to Take for Vitiligo. It describes the research behind which vitamins to take for vitiligo. These are the ingredients in Recouleur dietary supplement that help vitiligo. People also really like to read about Recouleur® user experiences. The Success Stories & Testimonials page has accounts from people who are charge of their vitiligo with Recouleur® vitamins. There’s a video from Rick S. who has been buying Recouleur® for his son for years. He was so happy with the results he made a video about the repigmentation in his son’s skin and posted it on YouTube. This section also has excerpts from the letters and emails we receive from our customers. You will read about a range of experiences. Everyone is different and we feel it’s important to share how different people will respond. Each person is on their own vitiligo journey.

You can also leave a message on our Contact Us page.

4 Responses

  1. Hello,

    in the past (6 years ago) I have often put lemon juice to my hands to make the skin softer, and soon after that vitiligo started. Is it possible, that I caused it by the “therapy” with lemon juice? Now I have vitiligo for over 5 years (on both of my hands, one ankle, two little spots on my face).

    I would be very pleased if you can answer me.

    Best wishes,

    1. Hello Anja,

      Lemon juice lightens skin and hair. By applying lemon juice to your hands, it “bleached” your skin.

      If you want a chance at your original skin color returning, consider ceasing putting lemon juice on your hands. There are hand creams and other moisturizers that can help make your hands soft.

  2. Is it possible that my vitiligo causes my hair dye not to grab as well on to gray hair at the roots as the rest of my head? My hair dresser noticed it.

    1. Hi Ann,

      Thanks for your question. As we age, we can develop what are called “stubborn grays” which are more resistant to hair dye taking.

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