Helping People with Vitiligo

Vitiligo Vitamin and Nutritional Therapy eBook

(1 customer review)



The author, Audrey, a vitiligo sufferer herself, has sorted through medical jargon and translated it into user-friendly language in this book. Her articles have been published by the American Vitiligo Research Foundation, the National Vitiligo Foundation, and the Vitiligo Society of the United Kingdom. Many of these articles are included as a way to reach more people with hope through practical help. Dermatologists and physicians who read these studies frequently recommend vitamins to their vitiligo patients. Tired of hearing “Nothing can be done.” “Why don’t you just learn to live with it?” This book will empower you. Putting the tools to heal in your hands!

Many specialized vitiligo books of this nature sell from $100-$239 and are written in technical language. In the future, our print book price will be $49.95. Now, this book is only available as an eBook. “Vitiligo Vitamin and Nutritional Therapy” provides vitiligo vitamin information and vitiligo diet tips.

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Vitiligo Vitamin and Nutritional Therapy is the first book of its kind. It contains practical information on which vitamins can help vitiligo. Based on studies, this science based hands-on guide is full of useful ideas:

  • Research on vitiligo vitamin deficiencies
  • Pigment pathway
  • How vitamin therapy works
  • Helpful vitamins for vitiligo
  • What interferes with vitamins being utilized in the body
  • Tips to improve repigmentation
  • Food do’s and dont’s
  • eBook
  • ISBN: 978-0-9857085-0-4

NOTE: Vitiligo Vitamin and Nutritional Therapy is a downloadable ebook. No physical product will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the ebook and all the great content onto your computer or device. Format is Adobe Acrobat PDF.

1 review for Vitiligo Vitamin and Nutritional Therapy eBook

  1. Fannietra Donald

    This Vitiligo Vitamin and Nutricianal Therapy eBook is a wonderful source of information for me. It entails so much helpful information that is useful for me in my everday wellness needs in dealing with Vitiligo. I find myself referring to it all the time. Thank you Audrey for a great great eBook.

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