Helping People with Vitiligo

Faith and Recouleur® Vitiligo Vitamins

Faith from Zambia acquired vitiligo

Born as the second child and only daughter to Chinga Mukisi (mother) and Mufaya Lukonga (father) on September 27, 2008 in Zambia, Africa. Like any other child, Faith was born beautiful and a healthy baby without any challenges. When Faith was five years old she started her pre-school in 2013 at Sesheke Primary School and the following year she started grade one at the same school. Faith immediately became obsessed with passion for teaching, because each time she would come from school she would gather other neighboring children and play the teaching role and sometimes as if it was a joke, she would demand her mother or father, whoever was present at that time to attend to her childish, but obvious career which became a hobby.

At that time everything was just fine until in 2016 at the age of eight, then vitiligo signs and symptoms started to develop on her upper eyebrow and later on vitiligo white spots spread to the rest of her body. Her parents tried almost everything from conventional medicine, prayers, and even to witch doctors but to no avail in treating her vitiligo.

Growing up, Faith felt accustomed to the company of adults. She was always more mature than the other children at school. Even when she gained friends, she often felt annoyed at them while growing up because she felt that they were too childish.

Some of Faith’s favorite activities were teaching, singing, cleaning utensils, and helping her mother sell fritters or scones as it was the only source of income.  Faith passed through very difficult life challenges because of her vitiligo like rejection, mockery and bullying at school, which eventually made her stop schooling in grade five.

Her brother Osborne also started to show signs of vitiligo white spots on his skin. In February 2022, Mufaya Lukonga contacted the American Vitiligo Research Foundation (AVRF) asking for home vitiligo treatment help.  The AVRF provides public awareness about vitiligo through dedicated work, education, and counseling. Founded in 1995, the AVRF is the oldest vitiligo charity. The AVRF put out a call to their members and raised enough money to provide a one-year supply of Recouleur® Dietary Supplement tablets for Faith’s vitiligo.

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