Developed by Experts, A Patented Formula Supporting Vitiligo Skin Health

Recouleur® raises funds for vitiligo support groups

Black woman with vitiligo

We’ve helped numerous vitiligo support groups over the years. Hosting a vitiligo conference or event? We’ll make an in kind donation for your raffle or fund raiser. Need a sponsor? Contact us. Need a speaker? We’ll share our knowledge. Need financing? Let’s talk. We’ll work together to find a win-win solution. Email us at A few of the many organizations and vitiligo support groups we’ve helped include Vitiligo Support International, National Vitiligo Foundation, AVRF, VR Foundation, Vitiligo Bond, and World Vitiligo Day.

There is no cure for vitiligo. Until there is, further research is needed. Recouleur® sponsors several organizations involved in vitiligo research and patient education.

Recouleur® has been a sponsor of the American Vitiligo Research Foundation Inc. (AVRF) since 2004.  The AVRF provides public awareness about vitiligo through dedicated work, education, and counseling. Founded in 1995, the AVRF is the oldest vitiligo charity. The AVRF seeks to make a difference worldwide to those afflicted by this skin disease, focusing on children with vitiligo and their families. Members of all ages are accepted.

The AVRF Mission Statement:

“American Vitiligo Research Foundation Inc. (AVRF) provides public awareness about vitiligo through dedicated work, education and counseling. We seek to make a difference worldwide to those afflicted by the disease, focusing on children and their families.

We embrace diversity and encourage acceptance. The AVRF encourages higher ethical standards in research, and therefore supports finding a cure through alternatives to animal testing.

AVRF is a tax-exempt charity, regulated by section 501(c)(3) of The Internal Revenue Code.”

About Recouleur®: Recouleur® is a Chicago based company founded in 2003 that is dedicated to helping vitiligo patients find supplements that help with their skin condition. They also offer helpful tips to guide people who struggle with confidence when dealing with vitiligo. The site is regularly updated with new articles and resources together with the latest and best products and vitiligo supplements.

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