Developed by Experts, A Patented Formula Supporting Vitiligo Skin Health

Vitiligo Vitamin & Book Bundled Offer – Save $20

Recouleur and Skin Deep work together for vitiligo

Buy 1 jar Recouleur® Vitamins and get the book Skin Deep: A Mind / Body Program for Healthy Skin for $5.

Skin Deep presents a new way to deal with skin disorders via psychodermatology. Research based techniques from a Harvard Medical School psychologist! These are applicable to vitiligo and many other chronic skin conditions. The most frequently treated diseases and conditions are:

acne, allergies to the skin, alopecia, body dysmorphic disorder, eczema, herpes (oral and genital), hives, pain and burning, picking, psoriasis, red scrotum syndrome, rosacea, scratching, shingles, tricotillomania, vitiligo, warts.

Stress can exacerbate vitiligo or even trigger an outbreak of white patches. Recognize stress in your life, learn to reduce and control it, understand how it can exacerbate vitiligo and other skin conditions.

Author Ted Grossbart has been a keynote speaker at vitiligo conferences alongside Recouleur® founder Audrey VanStockum.  

Dr. Grossbart practices short-term and long-term psychotherapy. His other focus is the treatment of major skin, allergic, and sexually transmitted disorders. Compulsive skin picking and trichotillomania have recently become a major focus of his work with patients. He has been a pioneer in the use of relaxation, imaging, hypnosis, and psychotherapy in these areas. His writings, workshops, seminars, and presentations center on this work.

Dr. Grossbart is actively involved in public health education via popular magazine articles, radio, and television appearances. An active supporter of the self-care movement, he has been a keynote speaker and written educational materials for The Trichotillomania Learning Center, The National Eczema Association, Vitiligo Support International, The National Psoriasis Foundation, American Social Health Association: Herpes Resource Center, Boston HELP, and National Alopecia Areata Foundation. His best known writing is his book SKIN DEEP: A Mind/Body Program for Healthy Skin.

Regular price $25.21, this book is $5 when you buy 1 jar Recouleur®. That’s a $20 savings!

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