Have Questions about Vitiligo?
We would love to hear from you! Reach out to us with any questions or comments about your vitiligo skin and/or Recouleur®- the vitiligo vitamin We’ve been helping people with vitiligo since 2003. Along the way we’ve collected a lot of information. We’ve also been published. About 30 of our articles have been published in […]
Listen to Recouleur® creator Audrey VanStockum on Vitfriends Radio Podcast
JOIN Valarie Molyneaux and special guest Audrey VanStockum LIVE on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 @ 12noon EST or LISTEN later. Question: How much do you know about Vitamins and Vitiligo? https://www.blogtalkradio.com/vitfriends/2021/08/11/the-journey-with-vitiligo-with-audrey-stockum?fbclid=IwAR18Ilq134iYXxm90u8EYxgXalJiwzePivhZ5gyLe-hYhUaiXZUGGmOHd_M The recorded podcast will be available after the live interview. Audrey started the Recouleur® company in 2003 which is dedicated to […]
Remember Nashville Mom Scarlet and Her Son Leo? Well Leo’s vitiligo is doing great with Recouleur®
Remember Nashville Mom Scarlet and Her Son Leo? Well Leo’s vitiligo is doing great with Recouleur®. We first wrote about Nashville Mom Scarlet and her son trying Recouleur® vitamins for vitiligo in October 2020. https://recouleur.com/blog/a-nashville-moms-vitiligo-story/ Since then Leo has continued to take Recouleur®. Mostly daily but sometimes he forgets. His vitiligo started after he tripped while […]
Why Do I Have White Spots On My Skin?
Not all white spots on your skin are vitiligo. There are a variety of reasons for white spots on skin. They could be any of these: tinea versicolor (fungus) guttate hypomelanosis (sunspots) pityriasis alba (vestige from eczema) vitiligo White spots on the skin are the absence of melanin – the pigment that colors the skin. […]