Vitiligo Patient Success Stories and Statements about their Experience Using Recouleur® Vitamins for Vitiligo
Here are some testimonials from vitiligo friends who are taking charge with Recouleur® vitamins – the comprehensive dietary supplement for those seeking the natural approach to treating vitiligo. These are direct quotes from Recouleur® users. Vitiligo or leukoderma (also called leucoderma) is a condition where skin loses melanin – the pigment that colors skin, hair, and eyes. Vitiligo is characterized by skin turning white forming bright white patches on the skin.
Happy parent Rick S.’s son uses Recouleur®. We contacted him and received his permission to use his videos.
Hi Recouleur®,
I have been buying the Recouleur® vitamins for my son for years. I have been recommending your vitamins to anyone who I meet or emails me since I have a video on YouTube about my vitiligo story and I feel that your vitamins have helped my son. Thank you.
Rick S.*
Hi Recouleur®,
Oh, you have made my day! Thank you so much!
My husband was so embarrassed when his vitiligo started up. He went to several doctors, tried many products, and was so happy when he found Recouleur®! It worked amazingly on his skin. Suddenly the big white patches started filling in with color. We were so happy! We have been trying to buy seperate vitamins to try to duplicate the results, but haven’t been too successful.
We are so happy that Recouleur® is back!!!!
Laurie L.
Long Beach, CA*
Dear Recouleur®,
I just wanted to tell you that I purchased Recouleur® Dietary Supplement about 2 months ago and after only a few days my vitiligo started to repigment. I’ve been undergoing UVA and UVB therapy on and off for over 3 years, but was unhappy with the results. After taking your vitamins, I immediately began to see results on various areas that I have vitiligo. I am so thankful for your product, and will continue to use it. Also, because of the B12 amount, I have more energy throughout the day.
Thank you again,
Laurie M.
Bluebell, PA*
I have been taking Recouleur® Dietary Supplement for around 2 – 2.5 months. I’m aware that it takes a while for change. I do see that the spots on my hands and around my eyes have a pinkish tint to them. Which is great since it’s the start of something.
Joel V.
Palmer, AK*
I have tried the Recouleur® vitamins for 6 months & just reordered my second bottle. I also use cream prescribed by a dermatologist. I have noticed an increase in pigmentation since I began taking Recouleur® vitamins for my vitiligo. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!
Cheryl J.
Norton, OH*
I have been suffering with vitiligo for the past twenty years and just yesterday I was ordering something, and I stumbled onto your web-site. I could not believe that there was an over the counter product that addressed my problem. I immediately ordered your product. I work with the public and am very conscious of my appearance. I have used make-up on my face for the past 15 years. I do my best to conceal my condition but sometimes I do get asked if I am wearing make-up, and as a man that is kind of embarrassing. Well it has slowed the progression but have no new color. It has been helpful.
Indolfo G.
Bellflower, CA*
My name is Paul C. I started taking Recouleur® Dietary Supplement about 2 months ago for my vitiligo and have already seen some benefit. I have had Vitiligo since I was about 15 years old (I am 46 now) and this is the only thing I’ve tried that has worked to some degree. I have a son that unfortunately also has vitiligo. It showed up on his feet, arms and face for the first time about 3 months ago. My wife and I are investigating different possible treatments for him and I feel like Recouleur® Dietary Supplement could be a benefit to him.
Thank you for your time,
Paul C.
Houston, TX*
I am writing because I take Recouleur® Dietary Supplement and recently found 2 websites that talk about a specific diet that helps vitiligo patients. I have adopted some of these dietary suggestions and I have noticed in the last 3 weeks that I have a new pinkish color in the depigmented areas as well as freckle like spots. I have found that the change in diet and the Recouleur® Dietary Supplement together are a more powerful tool against vitiligo.
Luz B.*
My name is Judy and I purchased the Recouleur® Vitamins approximately 3 months ago and I am starting to see some re-pigmentation under both of my arms in the armpit area. Both underarms are showing “freckles.” I am so excited to see results so quickly. I thought someone at your company would be glad to hear this positive feedback. Unfortunately, I didn’t take any before pictures so I don’t have anything to compare to, but I know what my armpits looked like and I can see the freckles of re-pigmentation very clearly. I am Italian/American and I have very dark skin so the Vitiligo is very very noticeable.
Thanks for giving me hope!!
Judy K.
Woodridge, IL*
My son has been using Recouleur® Dietary Supplement for about 2 months now and I see some improvement. He has about 30 halo nevi (moles with vitiligo around them) and the older spots seem to be gaining color. I don’t see any improvement on his scalp (his has 3 spots of white hair). I respect your opinion as I know you have done a lot of research in this area. By the way, my son has never been diagnosed with vitiligo, but the halo nevi have caused a lot of pigment loss.
Cynthia K.
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA*

I’ve been taking Recouleur® Dietary Supplement for about 3 months and it is definitely started re-pigmentation of my vitiligo. Thank you!
Jamie D.
Faversham, United Kingdom*
Thank you so very much. I have been able to order Recouleur® Dietary Supplement through someone who lives in America and I tell you what, it is just wonderful. Am seeing results fast, there is so much improvement on my hand, neck and gradually my face. Could it be because it started last year. Am really happy and do hope that in less than six months I’ll have pigment on my face, neck, hand and back to normal.
I can't wait to tell anybody that cares to listen what got my skin colour back.
You know I equally got tired of hearing that there were no known treatment but trials and error especially when it affected my face real bad being a dark skinned lady that I feel embarrassed. I searched the world wide web for information and am really happy I came in contact with Recouleur®. I can’t wait to help and put smiles on peoples (vitiligo sufferers) faces.
Ogo M.
United Kingdom*
I am very interested in your product since I have tested it myself. Now I am in the end of the second jar, and found some change, and I think everyone should use it after age 30.
Yours faithfully,
Eng. Mohamad A.
Qortoba, Kuwait*
I have recently begun taking Recouleur® Dietary Supplement with Milk Thistle and green tea, and St. John’s Wort (I am also avoiding certain foods and added a few) and I am seeing remarkable results!!! I have had it for 20 years and my hands are repigmenting daily along with alot of other parts. I have been taking pictures. I started repigmenting with vitamins and this combination but when I started the Recouleur® Dietary Supplement it took off. If I keep repigmenting at this pace I should have remarkable results by spring. When I get through doing my experiment, if you would like, I would send you some pictures for you to use as you wish. I believe this along with a few other things are the reason for my results.
The white hair in my eyebrow that started to recolor with a sheer wash is very, very hard to find now because it’s darker. Pretty cool. Then today I noticed another white hair in my eyebrow has a dark root. I feel like Deborah Harry. (I apologize for the spelling – don’t have a Blondie CD within arm’s reach.)
I don’t understand how they’d recolor differently, though I suppose the one may have had a dark root and I missed it until it began to recolor. We’ll see what happens.
Sheri S. – Age 41
Marion, IN Editor, Journalist*
Hi there,
I was diagnosed with VIT in June of 2004. After getting the run-around and concocting my own nutritional regiment I ordered your product. With nearly 1/4 of my body covered, I began taking it on November 23rd, 2004. In my research seeing tiny red spots is an indication of repigmentation, well I’m seeing red. My goal is to be a success story.
Cathryn B.
Macon, GA*
I have had vitiligo at least 20 plus years. It started at the young age of 5 with two spots on my knee. My parents took me all over the Houston area and Mexico in search of a remedy. But every time we got to an office the doctors would say my illness would go away by the time I was 18 years old. Well 18 came and went and still it has progressed. I pretty much gave up on any type of solution to this illness until I found your website. It gave me encouragement. I am going to give it a try and I can say not many websites gave me the encouragement yours did. Growing up with this has really dampened my SELF ESTEEM. I don’t wear shorts outside my home and absolutely no dress above the knee. Only below the knee with hose. It really gets hot in summer.
Rosa C.
Baytown, Texas*

Vitiligo or leukoderma (also called leucoderma) is a condition where skin loses melanin – the pigment that colors skin, hair, and eyes. Vitiligo is characterized by skin turning white forming bright white patches on the skin.